Considering that building a house is possibly the largest investment anyone makes in their life, it is important to build your dream home in the place you want to spend your time. The old adage of location, location, location can never tire. This may be the place you spend the rest of your life so it should be a great place to live. If you are planning on spending the time and money to build your home from the luxury home plans you chose, you want it to be in the perfect spot. The first thing to consider is what stage of life are you currently in? Are you starting a family, raising a family, ready to send your children off to college or are you an empty nester? Maybe you are married without children and have no plans to have children. You could be cohabitating with your significant other or maybe you are single. It is important to take a look at the neighborhood to see what the mix is and would you like to be a part of the mix. If you are single and like a good nightlife then finding that area of your city will probably be important. If you like the quietness of suburbia or even more rural, then moving outside of the city would be a good idea. If you don’t have children and would rather not be around children then moving to a family neighborhood is probably not for you.

On the other hand, if you have children then you must take the school system into account. Do you want your children to be able to walk to school and if not, is there a good bus system near your location? How is the school system rated and is that where you want your children to attend? If you are taking your child to a private or charter school, is it near enough to make it easy to get there. Is the neighborhood full of school age children so you child will most likely have someone to play with? Many families prefer a cul-de-sac so there isn’t any through traffic and their children are safer near the street.

Is the location of your new home close to your work place? With the cost of gas going up you may want to consider being close to work if possible or close to a mass transit connection to keep your commuting costs to a minimum. If you choose to build a house using the southern home plans and have a beautiful veranda wrapping around your lovely home with a well manicured lawn and a pool in the back, you want to spend your time there, not commuting back and forth from work.

Other places you want to spend your time may include places to eat. Are there good restaurants in the area that are appealing to your taste buds? If it’s a new neighborhood and they don’t exist now, are they soon to be built? What about places of worship? Is there one close? Choosing your contemporary house plans may be the easy part compared to finding the right location on which to build your dream house.

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